GTA Online Has the Worst Heist

So after so long and being a major fan of Saints Row I decided to give Grand Theft Auto Online a shot and sweet lord does this game have some assholes on console

Now I am not trying to be a rude person, but it took me roughly 7 attempts to get into a heist and not be kicked due to my level or something.

Mostly decided to give it a shot due to a real world friend remarking how I remind them of Lester not sure if that’s a good thing but Grand Theft Auto 5 was free on PlayStation Network, so I decided to give it a shot.

When I did match with someone it went south fast, took us 5 times to get this heist done, but we finally finished it.

Sadly had to let the person die few time as he kept just sitting in the car doing nothing ruining.

I likely won’t do another heist unless I know the person since this was a damn nightmare

What also was annoying after the heist I kept being glitched under the world map making it impossible to get to the surface and had to hard reset the game so I could actually play again, How can an updated game released in 2022 based on a game from 2013; fix your shit RockStar this has more bugs in it than a hooker has STDs.

Until Next Time
The Professor