Time for me to bitch about DENUVO DRM as I wanted to replay a classic title that is being re-released.
I know I should be working on my issues with the missing episodes of Urusei Yatsura (2022) but this to me was something that pissed me off as I needed footage of a game locked behind Denuvo for background footage and my Linux machine was not having it.
Back in 2012-ish I bought for the PS3 Ubisoft’s side-scrolling beat ’em up for “Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game” and I know some games work with DENUVO on Linux but for some reason.
Now, some people have said they were able to get the game to run on their SteamDecks, but most of the posts about this are from 2 years ago; so there might be an update that broke things.
I bought the Complete Edition when it first came out since I loved the PS3 version and still had my save since a while back I backed up all my PS3 saves and that to an external drive encase I wanted to revisit the classics for a video or blog post.
Thank God I backed up my copy, since I was unable to get the game to function on Debian 12 (Bookworm) now I am not condoning piracy, but I am saying things like Denuvo is punishment to gamers, I am not the only one who says this though.
As PCGamesN reported, and I verified back in 2023 Running with Scissors [one of the greatest Indie studios of all time] released a tweet that said
“The inclusion of intrusive DRM softwares like Denuvo is a choice than yields an unfair punishment to the consumer.
Respect the consumer, make a game they want to play and you will never feel the need to fight piracy.
The gaming industry DESERVES a better future, fight for that.”
So this isn’t just me screaming to the night sky about how awful it is that I can’t steal, No, I want the games I buy or own to work.
Just because some idiots decide to brick a game due to DRM shouldn’t mean players get punished.
I mean Digital Only titles shouldn’t have such issues, I would have thought we learned when the original copy of “Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game” was removed from the XBOX and PlayStation Stores back on December 30, 2014. We need game archival and preservation or at the very least not be trapped behind awful DRM, DRM like Denuvo only punishes people like me who want to support a game and pay for a legal copy.
Until Next Time
The Professor